Tuesday, April 6, 2010

generalized synchronization

The complete synchronization and generalized synchronization are studied, while the effects of intrinsic parameters mismatch on the synchronization performances between the transmitter laser and receiver lasers or between the parallel receiver lasers are emphatically discussed.The results show that zero-time-lag complete synchronization among the transmitter laser and parallel receiver lasers can be realized with parameters match.For generalized synchronization,if one of the ralph lauren polo shirts intrinsic parameters in receiver laser is changed,the Lacoste Polo Shirts cross correlation of the parallel receiver lasers is larger than that of the chi hair straightener transmitter,and receiver lasers over a wide parameter mismatch region.If the outputs of many parallel chi flat iron receiver lasers,which are strongly synchronized,are collected,and there is great output power,it has men's nike shoes potential application chi flat iron prospect in long distance chaotic secure communication system and high performance chaotic radar field.